
Showing posts from January, 2018

Maya Final Renders


Maya 1/25/18

1/25/18 Maya Drone I colored part of the drone and experimented with the rendering software, "Arnold."

Maya 1/23/18

1/23/18 Maya Drone I inserted the skybox, background, and lights and messed around with the rendering software.

Maya 1/19-1/21

Maya 1/19-1/21 Drone project The drone Maya file became corrupted and would not open in the program. It was replaced with an exercise file from the Pluralsight videos up to the point of the battery latch being molded. After that setback, I modeled the propellors, drone legs, and camera.

Maya 1/18/18

Maya 1/18/18 Drone Screenshots were not working today. Today I extruded and extracted a battery pack on the drone. I also started working on the battery compartment opener.

Maya 1/16/18

Maya 1/16/18 Drone Project i merged the cylinders into a drone arm, then duplicated. I also made pads on the underarms and made holes for the rotors.

Maya 1/11/18

Maya 1/11/18 In day 1 of creating the drone model, I first created a cube polygon. i changed the width of the cube to 24.75, the height to 5.7, and the depth to 24.75. I also rotated the Y-axis to 45. I then made the cube transparent, and created a cylinder polygon. i made a second cylinder polygon and put it in one corner of the cube. the middle cube had a radius of 4, a height of 4, a subdivision axis of 24, a subdivision height of 2, and a subdivision cap of 3.The corner cube had a translate X of 14.914, and a translate Y of -0.389. The corner cube had a radius of 1.8, a height of 2.7, a subdivision axis of 12, a subdivision height of 2, and a subdivision cap of 2. I also changed the edges of the corner cylinder by selecting the middle edge loop subdivision and scaling.